World Class Manufacturing training programme in Japan March 2023 - Call for applications

The EU-Japan Centre, Enterprise Europe Network partner in Japan, is currently calling for applications for its next training programme on Japan's World Class Manufacturing methodologies and would be most grateful if you could forward the below information to your SME clients who may be interested. The scope of the training is to improve the manufacturing competitiveness of EU companies.

For the March 2023 session we are back to a onsite event in Japan!


Call for applicants to World Class Manufacturing training.

Managed since 1992 by the EU-Japan Centre, this 5-day training provides an in-depth analysis of Japanese manufacturing methodology with the aim of improving EU companies competitiveness.

The Centre is pleased to announce that this March session will be again a physical one in Japan!

Next training session: 13-17 March 2022
Deadline for applications: 9 December 2022
Venue: Tokyo, Japan

People (preferably with engineering or scientific background) able to influence their company's production strategy or equivalent.

The programme provides:
· In-depth analysis of Japanese manufacturing methodology
· Lectures, seminars presented by experts from Japanese industry
· Company and factory floor (Gemba) onsite visits
· Post-visit reviews
· And more

More information and application form on: