The consortium EEN-GalacteaPlus

The consortium EEN-GalacteaPlus is part of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). It covers the north-west of Spain in the regions of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León.

It is a huge consortium both for the extension and for the number of partners, 10 in total. These partners (9 out of 10) have been working together since the beginning of the Enterprise Europe Network, under the name of GalacteaPlus. We have achieved a great visibility in our areas and we are recognized as a relevant agent in the innovation and business ecosystem by stakeholders, companies and regional authorities. In fact we have kept the same name, we have just incorporated the EEN to our acronym, to transmit to our clients that we are still here as key actors of a new EEN more and more professional and specialized.

There is hereunder a small description of the most significant characteristics of the 10 entities integrating the consortium.



The Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria (COCIN) is set up as advisory and collaboratory body of the Administration, and its objective is to represent, promote, and defend the general interests of commerce, industry, services, and navigation providing public service functions to all regional business sectors, including the development of international activities, the fostering of digitalisation and sustainability.

The aims of COCIN are in line with EEN objectives. COCIN has a strong regional presence based on its +135 years of working for the economic development of Cantabria, with intense and direct link with companies and deep knowledge of the industrial sector of the Region, supporting them through internationalisation actions, business advice and training on IPR, CSR, Circular Economy, carbon footprint, and digitalisation.


A non-profit public organization, as the Regional Development Agency of Cantabria is the major stakeholder in the region dealing with the promotion of competitiveness and general development of the economy, with companies (especially SMEs) as the main target group of the activities involved.

As the institution belongs to the Regional Ministry of Industry, Employment, Innovation and Commerce, all the policies aimed at the promotion of Research and development amongst companies, increasing competitiveness through internationalization, and encouragement of entrepreneurship pass through the executive role of SODERCAN.

The RDA has a deep knowledge of Cantabria's industrial sector, after 25 years of intense and direct link with regional companies. It has also a great experience in managing R&D and innovation strategies for SMEs, entrepreneurs and setting up business cooperation structures. Within SODERCAN's Internationalisation activities, the RDA is involved in the Enterprise Europe Network, since the very beginning (2008).

The EEN services are integrated into the general assistance the Regional Development Agency offers to SMEs and two specific departments are coordinated for that purpose, the Internationalization and the Research and Innovation Departments join forces in order to combine efforts and gather synergies to offer a solid package of services focused on the company's specific path towards competitiveness. The Regional Development Agency integrates the two dimensions focused on bespoke assistance to a company's specific circumstances"


FSE CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria serves as a pivotal institution representing the business community and entrepreneurs in Cantabria. As a non-profit foundation, it staunchly advocates for the interests of business owners and entrepreneurs. The organization plays a multifaceted role, providing integral and professional services to companies and entrepreneurs across various domains:

Specialized Training: FSE CEOE-CEPYME offers targeted training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of business professionals;

Legal and Fiscal Support: The organization assists businesses with legal and fiscal matters, ensuring compliance and informed decision-making;

Economic Reports: FSE CEOE-CEPYME provides valuable economic insights and reports to guide strategic planning;

Innovation Research and Development: It actively promotes innovation by conducting research and supporting development initiatives;

Entrepreneurship Advice: As a trusted advisor, FSE CEOE-CEPYME offers guidance to budding entrepreneurs;

Business Consolidation: The organization aids in the consolidation and growth of businesses;

Environmental Consultation: FSE CEOE-CEPYME provides advice on environmental sustainability.

Additionally, the organization encourages companies to engage in European projects and fosters internationalization processes. Within Europe, FSE CEOE-CEPYME Cantabria is an active member of Business Europe, a collective that unites business associations from across European countries. Their collaborative efforts ensure that Europe remains globally competitive. The European Enterprise Network (EEN), situated within the European Projects Department, serves as a vital cross-functional network within the organization. It collaborates closely with the Communication Department to maximize visibility for network events and activities. By participating in the EEN, FSE CEOE-CEPYME opens doors for SMEs and entrepreneurs, granting them access to an extensive international network an invaluable resource that would otherwise be challenging to attain.

The EEN not only generates internal value for the organization but also extends external benefits to its associate members (SMEs) by providing a European perspective for their endeavors.

In the following link there is information about the economic and social context of Cantabria:



The Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) is the regional public agency, attached to the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Innovation of Galicia, in charge of leading the innovation policies of the region. Its mission is to coordinate, define and promote the RTD policies aimed at fostering, supporting and disseminating scientific and technological research and development, promoting the internationalization of Galician agents and boosting the growth and competitiveness of Galician companies. The Agency is also responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Smart Specialization Strategy in the region and it's alignment with the European challenges and priorities. GAIN as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network (since 2008) and other EU projects and initiatives has a long-standing experience in providing international support and advise to Galician SMES helping them to address challenges such as digitalization, resilience and sustainability.


CEG is the main association representing Galician companies. It was established in 1981 as a result of mutual agreement between the Employers' Confederations of the four provinces that are part of Galicia (A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense y Pontevedra). Its activities are aimed at defending companies' interests representing them and their values at institutions of all levels and one of its main objectives is to promote the internationalization, cooperation and innovation of Galician companies.

CEG provides value-added services and develops projects in different areas of interest for companies such as those linked to business creation, internationalization, the European internal market, innovation, financing and EU policies and programmes for Galician companies. CEG has also extensive experience in participating in European and international networks and projects. It is a member of the EURES Cross-border North Portugal - Galicia, which promotes the mobility of companies and workers between Galicia and North Portugal and it has among its staff the only EURES advisor who provides her services within a business association in Spain. The services of CEG in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network would be integrated in one of the key departments of the organization: "Servicio de Información Comunitaria e Innovación" (SICI, European and Innovation Information Service).

In the following link there is information about the economic and social context of Galicia:



The Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León), ICECyL, is a public entity of the Regional Government of Castilla y León (Junta de Castilla y León), depending directly on the Regional Ministry of Economy and Finance. The Institute has a team of 200 professionals located in the headquarters in Valladolid and in all the 9 provinces of the region, covering the entire regional territory.

ICECyL plays a leading role in developing regional strategies related to Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Internationalization. ICECyL carries out nearly all the programs, actions, policies, and financing measures focus on the private sector and offers effective and specific support, advice, and training in the frame of R&D and innovation, entrepreneurship, scale-up of companies and promotion of the inward/outward investment and internationalization. Always improving the growth and competitiveness of the regional companies, especially SMEs, taking into account important global challenges as digitalization and sustainability. ICECyL's objectives and activities are fully aligned with EEN services.

CEOE Castilla y León

Confederación de Organizaciones Empresariales de Castilla y León (CEOE Castilla y León) is a non-profit organization of a confederative and cross-sectoral nature, established for the coordination, representation, promotion and defence of business interests in the region of Castilla y León. Being created in 1982, the organization is a key player in the regional business ecosystem, having a long tradition providing advice and support to enterprises. Among its members, the Confederation has representative organisations of enterprises at provincial level, as well as cross-sectoral representative organisations and sectoral representative organisations.

CEOE Castilla y León has among its objectives fostering the internationalization, competitiveness, sustainability and innovation of the SMEs operating in the region, as well as the promotion of entrepreneurship. The services under the framework of the EEN are coordinated by the International Department of CEOE Castilla y León, although they are transversal to the entire organization. These services are fully aligned with the objectives of the Confederation, allowing to increase the support provided to the regional SMEs.

In the following link there is information about the economic and social context of Castilla y León:


The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world's largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.


Advice & support

The Network's international business experts have the experience and resources to help business grow. Teams of Network experts in each member organisation offer personalised services to businesses in the following areas of expertise:
  • Sustainability
  • EU Single Market
  • Digitalisation
  • Innovation
  • Resilience
  • Internationalisation
  • Access to finance
  • Access to EU funding programmes

Partnering opportunities

The Network manages Europe's largest online database of business opportunities. Search for business or academic partners to manufacture, distribute, co-develop and supply your products, ideas and services. For more information about the EEN: