Convocatoria GEMSTONE: EXPLORE: apoyo a la internacionalización de pymes a través de su participación en ferias y otros eventos internacionales

CódigoEEN CL2023-Gemstone
Alta en la Red: 26/6/2023
Deadline: 31/12/2024
Tipo: Convocatoria

Descripción The call is open to manufacturing, technology and solution providers SMEs, and in particular industrial equipment and tool providers. The project targets in priority manufacturing SMEs active in the following 5 industrial sectors: Aeronautics/Defence Energy Mobility Agriculture/Agrifood Materials However, SMEs involved in other manufacturing sectors and working on Green Manufacturing challenges are also eligible. Up to 40 projects will obtain support up to 1,500€ for each SME.

Si desea más información sobre la oportunidad tecnológica, envíe un e-mail indicando la referencia a CONTACTO