Búsqueda de plataformas blockchain, instituciones financieras y bancos, negocios de comercio electrónico, venta al por menor, juegos y entretenimiento, y organismos de administración


The Turkish firm is looking partners such as blockchain platforms, financial institutions and banks, e-commerce and retail businesses, gaming and entertainment businesses, government agencies and regulatory bodies.


ARGEDOR is an enterprise operating in the field of Information Technology, specialising in the provision of various services such as BlockChain Technology, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, Cloud-Based Data-Driven Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), as well as Business Intelligence solutions.



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Subject BRTR20230816015


a) In what type of technology, business or research collaboration are you interested in? (max. 600 characters)


b) What type of further information do you need? (max. 600 characters)



c) Presentation of the Interested Company? (max. 600 characters)