Horizon Europe cluster 5: Diseño y desarrollo de una planta de energía termosolar de concentración


Looking for a partner for the design and development of a Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) to apply to Horizon Europe Cluster 5 call


The project aims to enhance the operational performance of concentrating solar power (CSP) plants by using digital tools to improve their positioning, operational control, predictive maintenance and overall system efficiency. The CSP system will be equipped with power and heat generation components. The consortium is seeking a company to assess and collaborate on the design and development and to provide the Solar Concentrator prototype of the research project


This project aims to enhance the operational performance of concentrating solar power (CSP) plants by using digital tools to improve their positioning, operational control, predictive maintenance and overall system efficiency. The CSP system will be equipped with power and heat generation components. These aspects align with Europe s strategic energy objectives: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cutting operating and maintenance costs, and promoting the integration of renewable energies into the grid.
The power generation part will involve the integration of Stirling engines or concentrating photovoltaic systems with phase change materials (PCM) and digital monitoring systems in CSP plants, providing thermal storage and power generation capabilities. The approach identified within the project will support continuous and efficient power generation, including baseload capacity from thermal energy storage during the night.
Expected Outcomes:
- Improved CSP plant performance: Digital tools will improve operational control, providing greater efficiency and flexibility in day and night operations.
- Reduced maintenance costs: Predictive maintenance functions, exploiting sensor data (e.g. temperature, vibration, positioning), will reduce the frequency of manual interventions and unplanned downtime, optimising O and M costs.
- Reduced CO2 emissions: By improving the efficiency of the CSP and enabling night operation through thermal storage, the project will contribute to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
- Realisation of a digital twin of the CSP system, sized, built and tested to be validated with real data. Being able to use the digital model to study the behaviour of the system as salient parameters change (latitude, longitude, orographic conditions and shading...)
- Scalability and market potential: Demonstrate the potential for cost-effective energy production on an industrial and residential scale through integration with local power grids or as a decentralised energy solution in off-grid areas.
- Technical-economic evaluations and scenario analyses to identify cases and areas where CSP is strongly recommended over other power generation systems.
Case Study:
A demonstrator of the system will be installed in a solar park in Greece to test the integration of the power generation with the electrical and thermal grids and to be able to study and identify critical points, being able to improve the operational functioning by using digital tools. The plant will have to operate continuously for at least six months, with intensive monitoring of plant performance under real system conditions. This pilot project will optimise the overall hybrid system with CSP, electricity generator and thermal storage, demonstrating the effectiveness of digital tools in maintaining plant performance while guaranteeing operation with limited maintenance and management costs and at the same time, ensuring continuous production of renewable energy. It is important to identify the critical points, which will be identified in reality following the integration between the various plant components and with the energy networks.
Advantages and innovation
Innovation and Impact:
- Novelty: The project introduces an innovative approach to CSP by coupling Stirling engines (or concentrated PV systems) with digital optimization tools and thermal storage through PCM, creating a versatile system capable of providing electricity and heat both on- and off-grid.
- Environmental Benefits: By optimizing solar energy utilization and improving the efficiency of CSP plants, the project directly supports the EU Green Deal and REPowerEU objectives of reducing dependency on fossil fuels.
- Commercial Viability: The demonstration case will provide clear data for scaling up the system in various industrial and residential markets, supporting its entry into the broader European renewable energy landscape.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
A company able to assess and collaborate on the design and development of the CSP prototype, integrated with the electrical energy generator and with the thermal energy storage system. The company should provide the Solar Concentrator on which to develop the research project.

Framework program
Horizon Europe
Call title and identifier
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-01: Digital tools for CSP and solar thermal plants
Submission and evaluation scheme
Innovation Action - Lump sum
Anticipated project budget
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Project duration in weeks
Web link to the call

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