Tecnología de trazabilidad de la granja a la mesa


Farm to fork data traceability technology from Greece offered for commercial co-operation


A Greek SME has developed a trackable food system technology for product traceability. It is interested in offering this application to food producers via commercial agreements with technical assistance.


This Greek company has created an online framework of open-source components, which can be assembled, together with other third-party platform components, to build smart solutions faster, easier and cheaper. A simple yet powerful application programming interface (API) enables the integration of components and provides the basis for the interoperability and replication (portability) of smart solutions.

The issue of the traceability of the food chain has become a priority for all producers that recognize the need for market recognition of the quality of food products. Companies benefit from the recognition of the territoriality of production, the sustainability of the production chain, and the path of the product during processing and distribution, as elements that determine the quality and hygiene of food. On the other hand, consumers are immersed in a globalized market where it is difficult to recognize the exact origin and nature of a product. For this reason, buyers are increasingly interested in having complete information about the origin, sustainability, processing phases, and many other aspects that contribute to identifying a quality product.

It all started with an age-old question: how can farmers increase their products’ price?

The principal component developed is the electronic product code information service (EPCIS). The main task of this module is to convert the actual raw data coming from the sensors to EPCIS compatible details.

Starting with the farmer, it identifies the products with a global trade item number (GTIN) and associated lot number, and one or more physical locations that represent the place where the products are packed or dispatched and where critical tracking events take place.

A device can also be used to scan the products’ GTINs and lot numbers as they arrive at the production-processing unit. Then the global location number (GLN) is recorded as the products move internally within the processing facility (which is useful for more complicated scenarios).
In the final stage of the chain, retailer traceable activities include receipt of the products by again identifying them through their GTIN and GLN, with the potential for integration into their inventory system and scanning at the point of sale (POS) when they are finally sold to customers.

The Greek company is interested in offering this technology to relevant partners such as food producers for commercial agreements with technical assistance.
Advantages and innovation
- provides farm calendar details before the crop is transformed into a final product
- aggregated sensor data uncovers the field’s capacity to produce quality crops and food via aggregated sensor data
- justifies farmers’ environmental focus since internet of things data proves the necessity of certain farm practices
- promotes advantages on locally produced food
- offers potential for innovative digital marketing campaigns through direct communication between consumer and farmer, and co-operative.

The idea was to extend the value offering of the solution by providing services for post-farm operations and interests.

The concept is innovative since there is no other solution that models and merges cultivation and post-farming data into standardized data services that can be accessed by stakeholders and consumers.

This way, farmers can also see another marketing benefit using internet of things devices for all their production cycle that enhances trust and brand loyalty with their customers and partners.

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