Búsqueda de productos o tecnologías para un sueño saludable


Looking for products or technologies for healthy sleep


A Belgian multinational active in the consumer goods is seeking products and technologies which allow users to benefit from a healthy, resting and qualitative sleep, so as to contribute to a better quality of life both in the professional and private dimensions. The company is looking for solutions that are on-market, market-ready, or require limited development. Licence agreement or commercial agreement with technical assistance is sought with industrial players or academia.


Sleep disorders or lack of qualitative sleep are more and more common in our society and may contribute in the raising of the risk of many diseases (ranging from heart disease, stroke, obesity and dementia) or lowering the immune system.
In order to diversify and complement the current portfolio of products designed to help the sleeping process, the Belgian multinational is looking for solutions towards a healthy sleep. This can include new product forms, packaging innovations, delivery technologies, new devices or apps, or new products.
The solutions sought must be capable of delivering any or all of the following benefits:
• Providing new, or augmenting already established health claims
• Increasing consumer satisfaction
• Enhancing consumer compliance
• Enabling greater convenience

They areas of interest are:
o Technology Delivery methods (e.g. targeted, faster, delayed, etc.)
o Devices and Apps that enable good sleep health
o Products with claimable health benefits
o New and novel product forms
o New packaging (e.g., portable, convenient, etc.)

The Belgian company is therefore looking for collaboration with industrial partners able to provide the expected solution.
The kind of expected collaboration is a commercial agreement with technical assistance or a licence agreement allowing the large account envisage discussions on the terms of the licence use.

Advantages and innovation
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
The company is looking for products or technologies which MUST have (where applicable):
o Human clinical data
o Human safety data, NDI (new dietary ingredient) designation, or GRAS ( Generally Recognized As Safe) status
o Stability data
o Freedom to market
The company is NOT interested in products or technologies :
• which require extensive technical or clinical development
• with unknown regulatory path
• that require significant investment to complete their development

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Subject TRBE20240516023


a) In what type of technology, business or research collaboration are you interested in? (max. 600 characters)


b) What type of further information do you need? (max. 600 characters)



c) Presentation of the Interested Company? (max. 600 characters)