Planificación de viajes individuales mediante guía de viaje con técnicas de análisis de texto por procesamiento de lenguaje natural


Planning individual journeys through travelguide with Natural Language Processing (NLP) text analysing techniques is looking for joint venture or business coorporation


A SME from the south of Germany is active in the field of publishing travel guides. For a web supported individual planning of round trips, they are looking for partners in the field of Natural language processing (NLP) or web scraping online. For this purpose, their travel guide content is made available.


A Bavarian SME creates and publishes (digital) travel guides. More than 100 freelance authors regularly travel mainly to the European regions described in the travel guides and can thus depict an objective picture of each region. The publisher digitalized the content of their travel guides and has a good database for planning individual journeys.
This diverse editorial content serves as basis for a new solution, which requires abstracting the data with the help of NLP. A solution is sought to analyze and process the available texts, which are already semantically tagged and geo-located and to supplement and update them with the help of web scraping.
This approach should also make it possible to filter out changes, for example the opening hours or admission prices.
They aim to provide all customized information and the best travel routes in one product. This can enable users to, for example, display a travel route with suggested stopovers and points worth seeing depending on the route of interest and according to the interest profile of the user.
They are looking for partnerships in the form of a research cooperation agreement.
Advantages and innovation
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
The partner should have knowledge of text analysis using NLP. The existing guide content should be merged with updated information from the web using NLP and web scraping. The goal is to provide the customer with all customized information in one place.

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