Desarrollo de un nuevo biomaterial regenerativo basado en una matriz de fibra de sílice


A technology for the development of drug delivery, the distribution of blood products for regenerative purposes, the use of biomaterial based on a silica fiber matrix and/or additive manufacturing for printing cell scaffolds and implant applications


A partner is sought for the development of a new regenerative biomaterial based on a silica fiber matrix. The potential partner should have technology to develop drug delivery systems, distribute blood products for regenerative purposes, utilize additive manufacturing for printing cell scaffolds and implant applications, or seek a combined use of their proprietary tissue/bone regenerative product to enhance mechanical properties and regenerative function.


A German non-profit industrial research institution with 30 years of experience in R and D with core competencies include innovative biomaterials, smart surfaces, galvanic applications, simulation, magneto-optics and sensor technology as well as customer-specific analytical services. An extensive synthesis know-how and a broad spectrum of biological investigations complement their competencies.
Progress in the fields of medicine and medical technology is increasingly characterized by individualized therapeutic procedures. With this in mind, they develop customized materials and material systems, which do not only fulfill their specific function, but also meet the steadily increasing requirements for medical products in terms of safety, reproducibility and sustainability.
The scientific portfolio ranges of the research institution from the design of functional polymer and composite materials, through the adaptation and optimization of their interface properties, to material and application testing. Based on targeted initial research, and in cooperation with experienced clinical partners, they provide their customers with innovative materials for medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications. Additionally, they support small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as large-scale industry in Germany and abroad, during all phases of product realization.
Advantages and innovation
The joined project aims on developing a new and innovative biomaterial for bone regeneration based on a bio-silica fiber matrix. Basically, the material is intended to treat alveolar and periodontal bone lesions. In the oral region, defect healing is often subjected to different mechanical forces that arise from chewing and talking. Conventional materials that are based on granules, particles or mixed applications are often dislocated by these forces. Some of them are also prone to fast resorption, losing their biological and regenerative functions in a short time.
The planned new product uses silica derived from a natural source that is used to establish a stabilizing fiber matrix. Because the silica fiber network is integrated quickly by the surrounding bone, a more stable defect healing is expected. The silica fiber network can also function as cell scaffold and drug carrier system. Because of the fiber architecture, bone regenerative proteins as well as antimicrobial drugs additionally can be integrated. The silica fiber network can further be combined with blood derived products as well as growth promoting proteins for increasing the regenerative capacity. The bio-silica matrix might also function as substrate for additive manufacturing (bioprinting) of implants and bone replacements in order to treat larger defects in various locations.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
SMEs are sought for the development of a new regenerative biomaterial based on a silica fiber matrix. The potential partner should have technology to develop drug delivery systems, distribute blood products for regenerative purposes, utilize additive manufacturing for printing cell scaffolds and implant applications, or seek a combined use of their proprietary tissue/bone regenerative product to enhance mechanical properties and regenerative function.

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Subject TRDE20240710010


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