Búsqueda de un fabricante para una nueva tecnología de procesamiento de biomasa que extrae CO2 para almacenamiento y limpia minerales inorgánicos para reciclaje


Company developing innovative biomass processing technology that extracts CO2 for storage and cleans inorganic minerals for recycling, seeks advanced engineering fabricator with experience in producing high-pressure, high-temperature systems.


UK SME is developing a cost-effective and energy-neutral biomass solution that can process high moisture content materials, including contaminated organic wastes, and extract the carbon content as CO2 for permanent storage in geological features. The company seeks an advanced engineering fabricator with experience in producing high-pressure, high- temperature systems. A commercial agreement with technical assistance is envisaged.


UK company founded in 2021 by an experienced, award-winning scientist and entrepreneur, with particular interests in large-scale deep technology, biological carbon capture, water, and microalgae, along with developing and growing companies.

With existing biomass processes, material rapidly decays to re-release the stored carbon as CO2 and more potent greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as methane. Compounding this is the billions of tonnes of organic waste produced by humanity; this material is often polluted and has a high moisture content, which makes the disposal or recycling of much of the material complex and expensive.

This SME is developing a cost-effective, self-sufficient biomass solution that can process high moisture content materials, including contaminated organic wastes, sewage with pathogens, forever chemicals, and potentially even carbon fibre, to extract carbon for permanent storage. This technology captures and stores CO2 before it has the chance to be released. The technology breaks the natural carbon cycle by rapidly degrading organic materials under controlled conditions.

The technology can take organic wastes and other materials, processing them to recover the valuable materials for industry while carrying out the equally important task of mitigating associated environmental pollution and emissions. This sustainable process can neutralise almost any organic pollutants and convert organic materials into recyclable inorganic elements such as phosphorus and ammonia. It will be of benefit to businesses and institutions which produce significant volumes of organic residues and who need to reduce their environmental impact, for example, agriculture, water utilities, and local authorities managing landfill, sludge disposal companies.

The SME will be carrying out pilot testing over 2024 and 2025, running tests with samples of up to a few kilograms per day. From 2026, the business is planning to treat several tonnes a day as part of their commercial strategy, scaling rapidly from this point.

The SME is seeking advanced engineering fabricators with experience in producing high-pressure, high- temperature systems with vessels operating at more than 250BAR and more than 600c and a high solid loading (10-20%).

The company seeks partners for commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Advantages and innovation
Permanent CO2 Storage:
With existing biomass processes, material rapidly decays to re-release the stored carbon as CO2 and more powerful GHGs such as methane. Compounding this is the billions of tonnes of organic waste produced by humanity; this material is often polluted and has a high moisture content, which makes disposal or recycling of much of the material complex and expensive. This technology captures and stores CO2 before it has the chance to be released. The technology breaks the natural carbon cycle by rapidly degrading organic materials under controlled conditions.

Cheaper per tonne of CO2 than existing solutions:
While sophisticated, this new technology is more cost-effective to run. It has the potential to capture more than three times more CO2 per tonne than existing solutions for the same cost. Existing solutions cost around $300 per tonne of CO2, whereas this solution would cost $100 per tonne.

Can work with diverse organic matter while eliminating dangerous pollutants:
Most existing biomass solutions only work with specific organic matters. With this technology, there are no barriers to moisture content, while it eliminates organic pollutants such as pharmaceutical residues, pathogens, and forever chemicals.

CO2 capture Scalable technology to maximize impact:
The solution has the potential to treat 150 tonnes per day, based on existing projections. This would make a real impact on CO2 capture compared to existing CO2 capture solutions, and it could help transition local authorities from incineration, diverting waste from landfill and minimizing river runoff and soil degradation.

Clean water, heat, and inorganic components can be recycled for agriculture (phosphates, potassium, calcium, vivianite).

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
• Advanced engineering fabricator with experience in producing high-pressure, high- temperature systems.
• Supplier is able to produce custom pressure vessels operating at more than 250BAR and more than 600c.
• Supplier is experienced with working with corrosion resistant alloys (e.g. Hastelloy, Inconel) and oxygen enriched processes.
• Supplier can build equipment to meet all relevant UK regulations regarding pressure vessels and oxygen.
• Ideally suppler will be able to provide processes at a range of sizes to handle through puts of ~10l/h - more than 100l/min.
• Full technical specification is available on request.

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