Colaboración para una plataforma de auditoría de ropa sostenible: mejora del cumplimiento PEFCR, metodologías LCA, conjuntos de datos y alineamiento con la regulación


Collaboration for Sustainable Apparel Audit Platform: Enhancing PEFCR Compliance, LCA Methodologies, Data Sets, and Regulatory Alignment


We are an Irish digital product passport company that focuses on sustainable audits in the apparel industry. Our primary goal is to enable transparency and traceability in the supply chain by leveraging digital technologies. Our platform, caters to a wide range of stakeholders, from SMEs to large multinationals, with the aim of promoting product level transparency throughout the apparel and footwear supply chain. We will offer cloud-based sustainable audit services.


We will offer cloud-based sustainable audit services including the generation of a digital passport, as it will be in compliance with the upcoming EU legislation, and will help businesses comply with the EU regulatory standards.
We are seeking access to a reliable and secure testing environment that allows us to thoroughly evaluate and refine our digital product passport platform before its official launch. Access to relevant and accurate data sets is crucial for our tool to comply with PEFCR and EU regulations. We seek a collaboration with a testing site that can provide or facilitate access to comprehensive and up-to-date data specific to the apparel and footwear industry. This includes environmental impact data, supply chain information, material properties, and other relevant data points. The testing site should be able to conduct internal audits and assessments to verify that the platform adheres to regulatory standards, and ISO guidelines ensuring accuracy and reliability of the sustainable audits and digital product passports generated.
In summary, our partners should have experience and expertise in optimizing LCA methodologies, expertise in PEFCR compliance, a deep understanding of EU regulatory requirements in the apparel and footwear sector, and have access to comprehensive data sets in the apparel and footwear sectors. Ideally, pre-scrubbed apparel and footwear GHG inventories and training data that can be used in machine learning model training exercises.
Advantages and innovation
Our Collaborators will benefit from the deep technical knowledge and skills of our senior team, well-versed in the latest software development methodologies, programming languages, and frameworks.
They will be able to leverage our team_ s experience in developing and launching innovative tech products, ensuring a well-executed and robust implementation of the sustainable audit platform and digital product passport. Our specific areas of expertise include the following:
Conceptualization and Innovation:
Our team has extensive knowledge and expertise in conceptualizing and refining tech concepts, transforming ideas into actionable plans and prototypes.
Market Understanding:
Leverage our market understanding and domain knowledge in the apparel industry, gained through extensive research and engagement with stakeholders.
Benefit from our insights into the specific challenges faced by apparel and footwear businesses in terms of sustainability, transparency, and regulatory compliance.
Our team_ s understanding of market dynamics enables us to tailor the platform to address the unique needs and pain points of our target audience.
Agile Development and Iterative Approach:
Our team_ s experience in agile development ensures efficient collaboration, effective project management, and timely delivery of milestones.
Scalable and Secure Infrastructure:
Leverage our expertise in developing scalable and secure cloud-based infrastructure hosted on the AWS platform.
Benefit from our knowledge of best practices in data security, encryption, access controls, and compliance with privacy regulations.
Our team_ s focus on infrastructure scalability ensures that the platform can handle increasing volumes of data and user demand as adoption grows.
We have strong technical foundation, innovation-driven mindset, market understanding, and a collaborative approach. Our team_ s experience in tech concepts ensures successful implementation of our digital product passport and audit platform
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
We are seeking partners with technical expertise in PEFCR compliance, LCA methodologies, apparel and footwear data sets, regulatory compliance, sustainable audit frameworks, and testing/validation. Collaboration will enhance the platform_ s functionality, regulatory compliance, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement.

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