Búsqueda de soluciones tecnológicas y sociales que puedan ser utilizadas para resolver problemas en las redes eléctricas


Dutch company is looking for technological and social solutions, which can be used to solve problems on the energy grids


In part of the Netherlands, the electricity grid is getting congested. The supply and demand side is growing, but the electricity network is not large enough to keep up with this development in the next 7-10 years. For these reasons, the Dutch company launched a challenge, in which they are looking for solutions focused on energy transition and taking into account the overcrowded electricity grid and system integration (electricity, gas, warmth).


The Dutch company is organizing a challenge to solve the issue below. The Dutch company is identifying technological and social solutions and seeing which companies this could be of interest to. Through innovative technologies they want to organize projects and pilots at different locations in Zeeland. This collaboration should ensure a win-win situation for all challenge participants. In consultation with the Dutch company you will look for the best possibility for a cooperation.
The partner must have an innovation which is in TRL phase 6-9.
Issue of the Dutch company:
The energy transition is in full swing. The main carrier and driver of solutions right now is the energy grid. More and more renewable generation of energy, by solar and wind, in the form of renewable electricity is emerging. And at the same time, the electrification of energy consumption by the built environment, transportation and industry is accelerating.
This means that both the supply of and demand for electricity are increasing significantly. However, it has become clear that despite major investments in the expansion of national and regional electricity grids, it will not be possible to keep pace with this two-way increase in the coming years.
This represents the first major obstacle in the energy transition. But that_ s not all. In fact, a variety of studies on the future energy mix indicate that the average share of electricity in it is estimated at no more than 50%. For the energy transition to succeed, it is therefore urgent to also accelerate the climate-neutral development of the gas and heat network in the Netherlands, in conjunction with the electricity network.  
This energy system of the future will be a new, climate-neutral interplay of electrons, molecules (gas, liquid, solid) and temperature differences (heat, cold). Storage and conversion (conversion) are naturally part of this, in order to properly accommodate the flexibility in supply and demand. Both at the source, and during transport and consumption.
Advantages and innovation
By participating in the challenge, you enter directly into the Dutch company_ s network. They can introduce you to potential interesting companies without you having to spend a lot of time researching this yourself first. In addition, with your innovation you respond to one of the most important topics in the region. A positive experience with the challenge participant can lead to even more market opportunities.
Technical Specification or Expertise Sought
A list of solution approaches is proposed below. Should a company have an idea that also fits, the Dutch company would also like to hear about it.
Influence demand side, such as: 
- Smoothing out, reducing or spreading peak demand at certain locations and times 
- Innovative design considerations in the energy mix for new buildings, neighborhoods, business activities 
- Forms of energy use other than electrification, without greenhouse gas emissions 
- Energy savings. 
Influence input side, such as:  
- Smoothing out, lowering or spreading out input peaks at certain locations and times 
- Preventing solar farms or wind turbines from being switched off 
- Bring solar and wind together, preferably with local demand 
- Help energy producers also generate from multiple sources, buffer or convert the yields  
- Innovative forms of heat extraction that put less strain on the electricity grid, such as geothermal, aquathermy, etc.  
- Prevent electricity feed-in by producing or converting to green gases or heat/cold 
 Matching/directing supply and demand, such as: 
- Decentralized solutions that can prevent local grid congestion 
- Things that enable linkage between energy market and on/off equipment 
- Bringing generation and off-take closer together 
- Other pricing models energy market, other tariff structures (ACM) 
- Systems such as Smart Grids, Energy Hubs and Virtual Power Plants 

Influencing the transport side (the energy networks) 
- Building networks smarter and simpler  
- Smart connections between electricity, gas, and heat networks 
- Find and retain more technical staff for accelerated construction, or alternatives 

Conversion and storage 
- Innovative conversions in the form X2Y, such as power 2 gas, vehicle 2 grid, power 2 heat, etc. 
- Storage for longer periods (seasons) 
- More environmentally friendly and safer energy storage or storage with less consumption of rare resources 
- Techniques like CCS and CCSU or other ways to store CO2 or make other products from it.

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Subject TRNL20231004003


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